marilah kite mulakan hari ini dgn mengucapkan tanda syukur padaNYA atas nikmat masih bernafas,yet masih hidup n dapat melihat dunia yg luas terbentang niey..while waitin' subuh,saja je mengisi mase menulis niey..hmmm plan arini I'Allah..jika diizinkan nye..dapatla saye berpuase sunat arini..semangat uu bgun kul 5..Tapi,tak taula kalu tibe2 je tgh hari nanti menggatal nak makan,jaro pario ke,mc D ke..haissh..hehehe..neway,FYI, kepada yg menunggu nunggu my handsome menu,probably tomorrow la kot bru upload gamba..tak sempat nak upload lg.., cek dah masak dah..habisla terbeliak mate korang k guys..need to go,subuh dah masuk nie,pastu kene pi skola n hospital.. mulakanla harini dgn keceriaan ye..? senyum byk2 k..takpe,org takkan kate awk gile,dats wut we called sedekah.. Assalamualaikom! arios..!
Rabu, 24 Disember 2008
Selasa, 23 Disember 2008
buktinye:sekor mangse yg tergolek didalam baldi tandas utk dinyah bekukan..
p/s:nantikan masakan cek ye! XP
aa..bile tgk entry semalam..ramai plak yg mengomen..especially gurlz la..hmm, buat pengetahuan, cek nie pandai masak la..ishh tak percaye ke..? please percaye lah.. apepun i will proved it to u guys when i cooked it ockay..? of corse wud a handsome menu u've ever seen prepared by a so called a MAN.. ahaks! utk itu,aku sudah bersedia..(siapla korang) dgn membeli seekor ayam beku seberat 2.5 kg berharge 54 griven=rm 28 hengget..utk dijadikan mangse experimen bg membuktikan yg LELAKI INI pun bole mengalahkan masakan WANITA HARI INI..
pergh..!!!! poyo tak hengat kan..!? warf!
pergh..!!!! poyo tak hengat kan..!? warf!

n for today,nothing specific..mornin' went to hospital,cuz class pun kat situ,then went back, masak arini pun rempit je..potong skit bhgian aym tu n then goreng..takyah tunjuk..goreng aym je pon..pastu makan sambal sosej smalam..TAPI..haa..arini, salihin telah makan 2 haiwan ganjil bersama Neslo..cube teke..????

k la guys..gtg,thanx 4 droppin' by to d lamest blog.. need to selak2 buku skit (selak je,bace tidak..wek2) cuz besok cycle Tropial disease,we need to see patient.. plus of course there's questions waiting to be answered.. arini dalam kelas pun dah geger nak jawab.. bukan just around d corner,mggu last nie memang dah macam malas ya rabbi nak belaja..just waitin till this friday finish,n the winter holiday will be started..
p/s:nantikan masakan cek ye! XP
Isnin, 22 Disember 2008
today's menu
like usuall..go to school then went back..hmm..then come to cook food to eat.quite intersting,arini masak lauk mengarut lagi.. sambal sosej. biasela bujang..nak wat camne? sedap taksedap,makan je la..
p/s: reminded me on wut my akak said..
kakak:nak cari isteri,bia pandai masak..t senang..bahagia
aku: wut?...naah..takpe.. orang gajikan ade..agagagagag...=P lawak2...huuu
like usuall..go to school then went back..hmm..then come to cook food to eat.quite intersting,arini masak lauk mengarut lagi.. sambal sosej. biasela bujang..nak wat camne? sedap taksedap,makan je la..
p/s: reminded me on wut my akak said..
kakak:nak cari isteri,bia pandai masak..t senang..bahagia
aku: wut?...naah..takpe.. orang gajikan ade..agagagagag...=P lawak2...huuu
tag from cik kikiey
01.what is the most important thing in your life?
mom,pop,all my kapcai honda 70(d one i used to ngurat awek dr form 1 sampai form 5..agagag..syg woo,habis pimp maa!)
02.what is the last thing you bought with your own money?
winter sonata necklace n d star for my ex gurl (mase mude2 lepas spm) d most precious n unforgetable thing..
03.where do you wish to get married? da space...floatin'! old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover?
be specific please..i got lots of people who love me..ahaks! dun wanna talka bout it..
05.are you in love? sweatin' rite now..sorry...i dunno..
06.where was the last restaurant you had dinner at?
halal food court at survarnabumi airport...dat when i on my way back here..need to change flight there.. the latest book you bought?
aint nothing..sweter ade la..ahaa.. buku tulis nak wat note..ehiks!
08.what is your full name?
mohd salihin bin. hj abah gettin' popular mase raye..kih3x you prefer mother or father?
mom of course..she's cool when i talk about gurl..muakakaka... a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time?the first time?
my grandpa's n grandma' so sad..never met any1 of them..except 1 je,atuk sebelah ibu..tu pun mase kecik...
11.christina or britney?
hmm..sorry..not in my list..i wud prefer ,Angelina Jolie..huuuhu.. you do your own laundry?
yup..but now winter..takde air panas,cold water pun kadang2 laundry la jawapnye..
13.the most exciting place you want to go?
mecca..really wish to go there..tapi duit takde..
14.hugs or kisses?
both of them please.....!!! =P
15.point out 5 things about the person who tagged you
-indie's angel
-luv indies music
-kinda cute xD
-takde keje.. dats y she tagged me..
16.eight things i'm passionate about
-mom's dishes
-shooting pictures
-ice cream..
-ehem2....GURLZ...hehehee..cuz am a human who desire undevided attention from d opposite sex...rite? =P
-swimmin'..eventhough I CAN't sWim!!!.
17.eight books i have read recently
tropical disease
infectious disease
oxford med dictionary
kamus jururawat
let us b muslim
D60 nikon manual handbook
takde lagi..lame tak beli savin' money nak beli ferrari..kui kui kui
18.eight songs i've been listening over and over again
sheryl crow n sting- always on ur side
Travis- closer
sheila on 7- pemuja,alasanku,
Nico touches d wall- broken youth,
Keane- spiralling
Hot hot heat- outta heart
sixth sense- kelam
coldplay- Viva la vida
19.eight things i've learnt this year
1-is it worth being a good guy to those who doin' bad to u..?hmm..takpela,Alhamdulillah..
2-i've made chocolate cake..ehea..jgn jeles..
3-nobody can live alone..
4-belaja sungguh2..jgn main psp bayk..nanti takle score.
5-aa..i've learn o start my own blog..
dats all i guess..
20.persons you tagg
enuf with me je kot...dun wanna make burden to other people..k?
mom,pop,all my kapcai honda 70(d one i used to ngurat awek dr form 1 sampai form 5..agagag..syg woo,habis pimp maa!)
02.what is the last thing you bought with your own money?
winter sonata necklace n d star for my ex gurl (mase mude2 lepas spm) d most precious n unforgetable thing..
03.where do you wish to get married? da space...floatin'! old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover?
be specific please..i got lots of people who love me..ahaks! dun wanna talka bout it..
05.are you in love? sweatin' rite now..sorry...i dunno..
06.where was the last restaurant you had dinner at?
halal food court at survarnabumi airport...dat when i on my way back here..need to change flight there.. the latest book you bought?
aint nothing..sweter ade la..ahaa.. buku tulis nak wat note..ehiks!
08.what is your full name?
mohd salihin bin. hj abah gettin' popular mase raye..kih3x you prefer mother or father?
mom of course..she's cool when i talk about gurl..muakakaka... a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time?the first time?
my grandpa's n grandma' so sad..never met any1 of them..except 1 je,atuk sebelah ibu..tu pun mase kecik...
11.christina or britney?
hmm..sorry..not in my list..i wud prefer ,Angelina Jolie..huuuhu.. you do your own laundry?
yup..but now winter..takde air panas,cold water pun kadang2 laundry la jawapnye..
13.the most exciting place you want to go?
mecca..really wish to go there..tapi duit takde..
14.hugs or kisses?
both of them please.....!!! =P
15.point out 5 things about the person who tagged you
-indie's angel
-luv indies music
-kinda cute xD
-takde keje.. dats y she tagged me..
16.eight things i'm passionate about
-mom's dishes
-shooting pictures
-ice cream..
-ehem2....GURLZ...hehehee..cuz am a human who desire undevided attention from d opposite sex...rite? =P
-swimmin'..eventhough I CAN't sWim!!!.
17.eight books i have read recently
tropical disease
infectious disease
oxford med dictionary
kamus jururawat
let us b muslim
D60 nikon manual handbook
takde lagi..lame tak beli savin' money nak beli ferrari..kui kui kui
18.eight songs i've been listening over and over again
sheryl crow n sting- always on ur side
Travis- closer
sheila on 7- pemuja,alasanku,
Nico touches d wall- broken youth,
Keane- spiralling
Hot hot heat- outta heart
sixth sense- kelam
coldplay- Viva la vida
19.eight things i've learnt this year
1-is it worth being a good guy to those who doin' bad to u..?hmm..takpela,Alhamdulillah..
2-i've made chocolate cake..ehea..jgn jeles..
3-nobody can live alone..
4-belaja sungguh2..jgn main psp bayk..nanti takle score.
5-aa..i've learn o start my own blog..
dats all i guess..
20.persons you tagg
enuf with me je kot...dun wanna make burden to other people..k?
Ahad, 21 Disember 2008
seven pounds..
"salihin,wut happened..u cud do better...(nada macam ibu2)
so i just made my "cheese face"...senyum. r u guys.. good? great? feel bad?..wutever sort of feelings,hope u guys in a very great conditions..good or bad,there's sumthg good behind it..just patient,dun panic..u'll see it thru, I'Allah. Hmm..well,i've passed d exam...out of five,i got 4...Alhamdulillah.. banyak main..dats y i guess.. lol. when d head of the department give me d mark,she said:
"salihin,wut happened..u cud do better...(nada macam ibu2)
so i just made my "cheese face"...senyum.
she said like dat,becuz she've seen thru all my kehadiran n buku register,plus my rating.. n i probably might get 5 if i answer it well..but,wek2..(malam exam main psp..,bajet dah ble jawab sume) NO! padan muke..muekeke.. Tapi Alhamdulillah..for mom dad,i've tried my best, syukur, i still didnt let u guys down.. *Oh..b4 i forget,for d record,i'm one of d guy who never made any 'ketidakhadiran'..n i think i shud get anugerah Skot Emulsion..wakakaka..bdak baik.. lol.
rite,for d past fews days i was just relaxing..malas nak tulis blog,malas ni malas tu..maklumla exam dah habis n,winter break just around d corner..2 weeks..!! wut am i gonna do bout it,..?
there's few plans.. but,sume probably..mgkin tak follow.. nak pegi UK,ibu tak kasi permission,alasan: mom's afraid dat i was going to be kidnapped by sum bad guys.. n i probably got lost sumwhere..hehehe..lawak2..but,nak buat camne? takde sponsor..duduk je la kat sini..
second,plannin' nak pi tour ukraine,..nak pi Lviv (beautiful town ), n also Skiing..pun tak follow gak..i just..probably just wanna relax..for usop,lienda n yeop, u guys have fun..ok.
there's few plans.. but,sume probably..mgkin tak follow.. nak pegi UK,ibu tak kasi permission,alasan: mom's afraid dat i was going to be kidnapped by sum bad guys.. n i probably got lost sumwhere..hehehe..lawak2..but,nak buat camne? takde sponsor..duduk je la kat sini..
second,plannin' nak pi tour ukraine,..nak pi Lviv (beautiful town ), n also Skiing..pun tak follow gak..i just..probably just wanna relax..for usop,lienda n yeop, u guys have fun..ok.
n before i go,i wud like u guys to watch this very 1 kind of a movie "Seven Pounds" ,listen, the beginning,u probably wud'nt catch up,wuts goin on, or u wud say it slow.. BUT,my advise, watch it, attentively..n u'll see d turning point...ockay? u guys have a nice day..

hepi burthday lienda!

salam..'s is d birthday one of my family member here...LINDA or Nazlinda bte Mohd Nani..congratz gurl..u'r getting older! thg which kinda cute bout her is ,evry day..she kept writing in our books.."linda 22 tahun 4 bulan.." n d other next occasion," linda 23 tahun 8 bulan.," sort of like dat..but wut can we do,..just go on wit her..cuz we are like family,n she's like our litel sister..its great to have her around plus the other gurl,Irma...cuz they've become penyeri or shall i say,angels of our family..happy birthday..ur big gurl now..n big gurl dun cry..=) .b good..
with luv: odessa's family..
Isnin, 15 Disember 2008
missed sumthg..?
-one,u shout back at him or her who made u responsible for this n those u told u a bad ass,call their names,n curse'em..n STOP DOIN their "f***ing laundry"...
-another.. as mom always said..*sabala..itu sume rancangan Allah..1 hari nanti,org tau kebenaran...,hmmm typically mom...
well..i'm off now..but b4 dat ..there's sumthg i need to share wt u guys..
p/s:jgn malas belaja,balaja skit,main banyak belaja kan.. n sempena hari raye korban yg telah berlalu,ambillah ikhtibar,yg mane,dah banyak dah pengorbanan yg org lain dah buat kat kite,its just for us to see it,realized,n be thankful to them..
hmm.cant find words. to write the blog..i guess its kinda hard if u feel u want to write sumthg but u really cant say it or write it... its like evrythg in ur brain is smashing into pieces..floating,and suddenly occured a very n utmost fiercing storm u ever seen,wit outloud lightning,very very strong winds....oo..wut a dramatic situation..n dats y probably be d reasons i skipped writing yesterday....*pull urself together salihin..d thgs i always said to myself when i'm in a great,deep shit,or in a great triumph..istighfar (sounds poyo,but,dats wut happened,..for u guys, feel free to say anythg..poyo,showing off,good,or wut so ever,cuz am not gonna give it a DAMN!,cuz i supposed to say wut i'm supposed to..I'allah,i hope when d same thg happened to u guys,good or bad,just remember 1 thg..turn to HIM,there's no other better place except HIM,who never fails u..)
i did remembered yerterday when i watched tain 3t online,1 thg dat he said have made me jumped into my memories which i have always seen it n listened to it..i bet,u guys too..*its firman Allah: its sound like this,*HE will never ever let down those who always hope for HIS's blessings.. and for dat,i thankful to HIM for HIS luv,n evrythg i had in this,pop,brothers,sisters, anyone n evrythg..evry single one of them..Alhamdulillah..i couldn't ask for more Allah...thank YOU.
today is monday,few more minutes,will change to tuesdays..hmm..2 days more preps for epidemiological cycle examinations..lots n lots of question dat must be review n study to..truely a bit pressure n i relieved my tension studying by watching "speed racer" movie..i've watched it before,but the gamba is blurred..tapi for today,nice n clear..there's some goodness or shall i say nilai murni dalam cite nie..honestly..i'm touched with it..
1.luckiness..wut wud u think about..? money, girlfrens, cars ..etc?and wut happened in the movie..they said,we are already a luckiest person on earth cuz we got a very great "family"which include,our real family n friends..n dats d truth..think again..,wud cud just happened if we dun have them...dats for u guys to figure out..
2.the love.. am very touched with d love show by speed (name of d hero)'s family,his brother,pop,mom,litel brothers,fren (sparky) n of course gurlfren (trixie..i guess..lupe lakname die..).Alhamdulillah,we got the same too me missed all of my family n friends..syukur sangat having u guys around..
3.n most important thg is..protect ur "family"..i mean family and wut ever possible actions u can to avoid them from any harm..
well,its not a small thing.. wut if u find urself in a position dat u holding people's pride or try to jage hati org? well,to do need more than u got i think..cuz i've been thru it.. people did shouting at u,cursed u,say anythg they wanna at u,think bad,talk bad bout u..but..wut did i do..? two of d most precious person in my life, UTEH n UDE(my 3rd n 2nd kakak..not their real name)they did gave me two brilliant choices..
-one,u shout back at him or her who made u responsible for this n those u told u a bad ass,call their names,n curse'em..n STOP DOIN their "f***ing laundry"...
-another.. as mom always said..*sabala..itu sume rancangan Allah..1 hari nanti,org tau kebenaran...,hmmm typically mom...
n choice dat i've made..,i picked mom's choice n it have been d same thg which i've thought n decided..i walk away..pretending dat nothing happened,pretend dat i'm a really bad ass guy,heartbreaker,or wut so ever,am d 1 who responsible for evrythg...etc..etc... nicely put on urself salihin... in d other side,it really hurts a lot actually..but,wut can u do..for d sake of protecting sumthg u believed important not for u,but for other other people..?
hahahaha lol...wut? i cant hear u.. not playin' a role as HERO.. nope..dat never occur in my mind..if u still wanna think like dat,its up to u guys..wut am tryin' to say is,Allah itu maha berkuasa.. if its occur to u,I'Allah.. u feel d same too..u tryin' to deny,but it still coming straight to ur face..people sayin' u play HERO..d truth is..just us,ourself who knew it..
huuui..lots of things to study..well i need to 2nd abg,Andak(also not a real name),gonna kick my ass if i'm not pass this exam..he said he wud tell pop,dat i'm here not for studyin' but playin.. he's kinda d**k but,he's a great son and great brother...when it comes to kuliah from mom,n my sisters,they always said.."sungguhpun die sekolah tak tinggi,die tak pernah tinggi suare kat mak..".this the things i've always remembered...n am very2 careful when it comes to evrythg...i dun wana see her precious tears run down... And he,who also said n remind me,"pop keje kuat nak skola kan ko,belaja sungguh2..sape lagi nak tolong kuage kite,kalu tak family member sendri..?kan beruk..?!" ,memang kuang aja..panggil aku beruk.., "ko tu yg beruk...oo,taula ibu selalu sebot name andak..eksyen,..andak tu da la,kedekot,tangkai jering,taik idung masin!!".dat moment getting over n over,anywhere,when we together.., and its getting cute when mom n sis,plus pop inside d same car,or d same moment..wargh i missed that moment..
well..i'm off now..but b4 dat ..there's sumthg i need to share wt u guys..
1. jgn tinggal semayang,pray hard
2. have fun
3. do not hurt people
4. do not accept defeat..
5. strive to be happy..
2. have fun
3. do not hurt people
4. do not accept defeat..
5. strive to be happy..
p/s:jgn malas belaja,balaja skit,main banyak belaja kan.. n sempena hari raye korban yg telah berlalu,ambillah ikhtibar,yg mane,dah banyak dah pengorbanan yg org lain dah buat kat kite,its just for us to see it,realized,n be thankful to them..
Sabtu, 13 Disember 2008
Sat ur day..
p/s:neway,batery dah habis dah nie..nak pi recharge(tido)..takot tak bgun sbuh lak sok..jgn lupe jg solat..salah 1 tande kite kate kite sayg kat DIE.. ye..? I'allah same2 kite azam..
hmm clock is already showin' 12.15 a.m..n i brulah nak tehegeh hegeh tulis blog..hari yg bz..meniaga SBC(slbotka fried chicken) yg mencecah 35 plates...penat..tapi demi sepoket jajan,ku teruskan jua..also,wut an exhausting day...cuz arinie sejuk macam dalam peti sejok...i didnt manage to calculate how much d temperture is..but i bet its probably i said..i got class today..
jumpe usual cikge Chaban Ttiana,cikgu kitorg nie akan datgn give direction..mane ward nak pi..ade 5 org je pagi tadi,lain sume tak datg...(akhirnye datg,tapi lambat..) menunggu dgn hati membara.."manela cikgu nie..tak datg2",i've decided to look for her at the office..outside the department..
jalan pnye jaln..sampaila kat office..pintu terbukak skit..aku pun slow2 menjengah..ui main ZUMA...!? kantoi2...memang lawak gile..alasan die cakap,"oo saye bru je nak masuk ke class,awk dah datg..bagus2..."hey,ikutkan hati,tangkap cikgu nie,makan hidup2...lawak tul..
evening pulak was fullfillled wt d bussiness ayam,habis kat kul 12 malam gak..semayg2 lepak2..bru la pakse dri tulis blog..
jumpe usual cikge Chaban Ttiana,cikgu kitorg nie akan datgn give direction..mane ward nak pi..ade 5 org je pagi tadi,lain sume tak datg...(akhirnye datg,tapi lambat..) menunggu dgn hati membara.."manela cikgu nie..tak datg2",i've decided to look for her at the office..outside the department..
jalan pnye jaln..sampaila kat office..pintu terbukak skit..aku pun slow2 menjengah..ui main ZUMA...!? kantoi2...memang lawak gile..alasan die cakap,"oo saye bru je nak masuk ke class,awk dah datg..bagus2..."hey,ikutkan hati,tangkap cikgu nie,makan hidup2...lawak tul..
evening pulak was fullfillled wt d bussiness ayam,habis kat kul 12 malam gak..semayg2 lepak2..bru la pakse dri tulis blog..
p/s:neway,batery dah habis dah nie..nak pi recharge(tido)..takot tak bgun sbuh lak sok..jgn lupe jg solat..salah 1 tande kite kate kite sayg kat DIE.. ye..? I'allah same2 kite azam..
Jumaat, 12 Disember 2008
takde la hari nie macam kene goreng bcuz of mentari tapi sejuk cam gilew..hari bernmula dgn woke up at 6.57,10 minutes more sebelum habis subuh..then pagi2 lagi masak ikan LOBAn curry..i put all things inside,kentang,lobak,serai (lame dah simpan dlm fridge tu,beku),sos tomato, rempah curry,campur rempah plof..huih,rajin tak rajinla..bukan ape..lapa tahap super.. kelas kul 9.30,awal lagi kan..?so makan2,lepak2 menunggu bas..berdiri dalam bas..(setiap hari lak tu,terpernah dapat duduk cuz pagi memang peak hour kan.?)sampaila kat sekola..jalan lagi nak ke kelas..kan best kalu ble guling2,takyah jaln..(siapla nanti,tak pasal2 dapat title org gile.. lol).
after finish examine patient selame konon nye, yeop,usop went to novi rinak= pasar baru..(sorry tak dapat tnjuk gamba..hp gile,camera lak tak bwk..),there we went to shoppin'2..takde le shoppin' sgt,just tgk bundle..Tavar iz evropa= new trades from kat rinak nie ade 1 tempat bundle bessar..semua clothes,caps anythgs which are second hand are sold here..duk pusing nye pusing,ade la 1 sweter yg aku minat,plus 1 topi gak,apelagi kebas la..sempat gak la menawar ngan kakak cantek tu..yeop pun beli sweter gak,but he gotta pay 50 grvn=25 ringgit ,tapi aku..heheh..ayat nye pasal..
"izvinite,jevushka,skolka etot sveter..?
maafkan saye,cik adek,..berape harge sweter nie..?
"etot sveter 60 grven..
harge die 60 grvn..
"oo..(aku senyum2..sebab b4 nie i've been here n usha d same sweter too..hmm still 60)
mozhna skidka..
bole saye dapat diskaun..?
"pitsat piat grven..(die senyum...)..kharasho pitsat grvn...
55 grven...baiklaah 50 griven..
"izvinite..mozhna sprasith,eisle vi moxhete eta kharasho,eisle ni magu nie chevo..
maafkan saye,bole saye bertanye..ini pun kalu cik bole bagi,kalau tidak,tak mengapa..(aku wat muke chomel2 lol..)
"kharasho..(kakak tu pun senyum2..
besides baju,i bought a winter cap..harge 10,dapat tawar 8..."alasan:kotor nie..kene basuh..bolela 8 griven..".habis membeli belah,trusla ke masjid,utk menemui KEKASIH..hari jumaatkan hari nie..i was supposed to meet Dr. asksana to change my rubber's braces..tapi tak g g,sianla die..dah dua minggu dah week je la kot..
p/s:sok dah sabtu..ade kels ganti...ganti utk cuti winter yg akan datg nie..means,jumpe patients lagi..harap2 case yg lagi best dari arini..cekgu CHAban elena mitrofanovna tu,memang kurang asam,kate nak datg tgk..tapi hilang tak kemane..memang nak kene makan cekgu "doreamon nie..!
p/s:sok dah sabtu..ade kels ganti...ganti utk cuti winter yg akan datg nie..means,jumpe patients lagi..harap2 case yg lagi best dari arini..cekgu CHAban elena mitrofanovna tu,memang kurang asam,kate nak datg tgk..tapi hilang tak kemane..memang nak kene makan cekgu "doreamon nie..!
Khamis, 11 Disember 2008
exam arini =
hmm..quite extraordinary..untuk exam epidemiology nie,memang kemalasan ya tuhan..malas nak study..tapi mengenangkan pengorbanan kedua ibu n aba..ku teruskan jua..kah3x (gelak sebenanye nie..) .to make up the story..i got about 50 questions of diseases..n macam biase ade susah ade yg senang.. Alhamdullillah soalan yg senang... Analytical method n also hepatitis c.. kepada cikguku yg dikasihi Chaban Elena Mitrodanovna,i luv u ma'am..thanx alot.. i'm d second last person o answer among all 14 students in my group..
"ma'am,the analytic method of epidemiology is...." aku pun bla2..ape yg ade yg kat kepale n yg dh terbace kat buku,i just said it outloud..
"okay selamat..(die pnggil name aba aku,biasela,kat sini used to call surname..), question.."
"hepatitis c is a....(bla2 lagi) "tapi yg bestnye sekejap je.... she said i know bout it.. lol,Alhamdulillah..syukur gak...dapat balik awal.. meronggeng..syukur dapat markah best arini..n pass it..
bout my teacher "Chaban" i'll show ya her pic next time ok.. she doremon.. lol.
i gtg now.. penat prep tak abis lg.. tilam dah melambai lambai...
"ma'am,the analytic method of epidemiology is...." aku pun bla2..ape yg ade yg kat kepale n yg dh terbace kat buku,i just said it outloud..
"okay selamat..(die pnggil name aba aku,biasela,kat sini used to call surname..), question.."
"hepatitis c is a....(bla2 lagi) "tapi yg bestnye sekejap je.... she said i know bout it.. lol,Alhamdulillah..syukur gak...dapat balik awal.. meronggeng..syukur dapat markah best arini..n pass it..
bout my teacher "Chaban" i'll show ya her pic next time ok.. she doremon.. lol.
i gtg now.. penat prep tak abis lg.. tilam dah melambai lambai...
selamat hari raye aidilladha!
selamat hari raye aidiladha,..see like my blog is already full with spider actually sebab kinda bz wit exam n others thgs which made thgs complicated..its ok..i guess ,cuz life its self is already a complicated thgs.. so hope u guys beraye ngan best kat m'sia.. yela,m'sia macam2 dapat makn..but for us here,sangatla sedey...mane tak nye,pagi2 raye makan mee rebus..ayam xda,daging kurban pun tak dapat... probably diorg mgkin kasi kat those who need it more than we do.let see sum of the picture i took..banyak lg sbenanye,tapi mals nak upload..
selamat hari raye aidiladha,..see like my blog is already full with spider actually sebab kinda bz wit exam n others thgs which made thgs complicated..its ok..i guess ,cuz life its self is already a complicated thgs.. so hope u guys beraye ngan best kat m'sia.. yela,m'sia macam2 dapat makn..but for us here,sangatla sedey...mane tak nye,pagi2 raye makan mee rebus..ayam xda,daging kurban pun tak dapat... probably diorg mgkin kasi kat those who need it more than we do.let see sum of the picture i took..banyak lg sbenanye,tapi mals nak upload..
p/s:salam raye to all bloggers,n visitors..maf zahir btn.waa!! nak makan rendang ibu!!
Isnin, 1 Disember 2008
menjawab tag..!..lagi..=P
01. What is the relationship of u and him/her?
hmm seriously like crazy...crazy in love son!! sorry..keh3x
02. Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
-bole main game...
-bole online..
-pandai kire2
-bole dgr music..
-ble tgk video
-ble tangkap gamba..
03. The most memorable things he/she had done for you???
she's Always with me all nite..sing songs for me..sweet kan..?! lol
04. The most memorable thing he/she have said to you??
good question..sorry,but she never said anythg to me..
05. If he/she become ur lover,you wil...
i loved her already...
06. If he/she become ur enemy,you will..
she'll never be..i'Allah...
07. If he/she become ur lover,he has to improve on...on his or her
she doesnt have to improve..i will improve her...
08. If he/she become ur enemy,the reason is..
oi..! i've told u..she will not..
09. The most desirable things to do on him/her is???
aha..macam dah buat dah...pegang2,cium, pelok2..
10. The overall impressions of him/her is???
oo she's great! totally awesome..
11. How do you think the people around you feel about you..???
can't say much..cuz u'll see different it is very subjektive,depan kite lain ,belakang kite lain..its ok..u'll knw if org tu btul2 ikhlas ngan u kan..takpe..yg penting we shud think good bout other people..
12. The character of u..for urself is?
mom said.."hormat org..tue mude,jgn kire bangse..jgn sombong,cuz bumi nie milik Allah.."
13. On contrary,the character u hate of urself is...
easy to forget..probably too much smoking i guess..?..ooh,mom gonna kill me if she finds out..
14. The most ideal person that u wanna be is..
cool,patient,n person which other people can rely with..n..mmm..tak takot tgk cite hantu..
15. For the people who likes you,say something about them..
3 words.. i love u...!!! thanx...
16. Ten people to TAG..
sorry i'll just give it to 2 org yg tak kene tag ngan aku lagi..muakaka...
oh ..before i forget..let me introduce u..this is "her".. miss Pi aS pi..

p/s: soryla takde idea nak jawab.. hati nak tido jek nie lol..sebab sejok....anytime jek salji ble trun..tapi harapan cast pon tak leh caye...
hmm seriously like crazy...crazy in love son!! sorry..keh3x
02. Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
-bole main game...
-bole online..
-pandai kire2
-bole dgr music..
-ble tgk video
-ble tangkap gamba..
03. The most memorable things he/she had done for you???
she's Always with me all nite..sing songs for me..sweet kan..?! lol
04. The most memorable thing he/she have said to you??
good question..sorry,but she never said anythg to me..
05. If he/she become ur lover,you wil...
i loved her already...
06. If he/she become ur enemy,you will..
she'll never be..i'Allah...
07. If he/she become ur lover,he has to improve on...on his or her
she doesnt have to improve..i will improve her...
08. If he/she become ur enemy,the reason is..
oi..! i've told u..she will not..
09. The most desirable things to do on him/her is???
aha..macam dah buat dah...pegang2,cium, pelok2..
10. The overall impressions of him/her is???
oo she's great! totally awesome..
11. How do you think the people around you feel about you..???
can't say much..cuz u'll see different it is very subjektive,depan kite lain ,belakang kite lain..its ok..u'll knw if org tu btul2 ikhlas ngan u kan..takpe..yg penting we shud think good bout other people..
12. The character of u..for urself is?
mom said.."hormat org..tue mude,jgn kire bangse..jgn sombong,cuz bumi nie milik Allah.."
13. On contrary,the character u hate of urself is...
easy to forget..probably too much smoking i guess..?..ooh,mom gonna kill me if she finds out..
14. The most ideal person that u wanna be is..
cool,patient,n person which other people can rely with..n..mmm..tak takot tgk cite hantu..
15. For the people who likes you,say something about them..
3 words.. i love u...!!! thanx...
16. Ten people to TAG..
sorry i'll just give it to 2 org yg tak kene tag ngan aku lagi..muakaka...
1. Aianna
2. Kikiey
2. Kikiey
oh ..before i forget..let me introduce u..this is "her".. miss Pi aS pi..

p/s: soryla takde idea nak jawab.. hati nak tido jek nie lol..sebab sejok....anytime jek salji ble trun..tapi harapan cast pon tak leh caye...
Jumaat, 28 November 2008

Tak pernah terbisikkan..
Diangan batinku
Untuk mencintai jiwa
Selain dirimu.
Hadirnya tlah luruhkan
Rinduku padamu
Kasihnya membuatku hanyut
Sudah lupakanlah
Yang telah menduakan
Ketulusan itu…
Kelam yang telah ku buang
Meruntuhkan perihmu
Dan seluruh rindumu…
Lemah pengharapanku kan kehadiranmu
Mengisi jiwa ini dengan kerinduan
Kau yang tak pernah bisa mengerti hatiku
Membiarkan jiwa ku meratapi sepi
Sudah lupakanlah
Yang telah menduakan
Ketulusan itu…
Kelam yang telah ku buang
Meruntuhkan perihmu
Dan seluruh rindumu
Kepergianmu telah……
Merundungkan duka padaku
Yang telah terobati dirinya
Dan mengganti dirimu dihati
Sudah lupakanlah
Yang telah menduakan
Ketulusan itu…
Kelam yang telah ku buang
Meruntuhkan perihmu
Dan seluruh rindumu
p/s:song by sixth sense..nice lyric i guess..suit for those yg sedey2.. takpela..remember,Allah tu
maha kaya..there's sum1,created just 4u out there.. be patient cuz HE luv kind a people yg bersabar..happy luving2..(sok school,ade lecture kat spital nie..aku dok buat bende ngarot2 plak..huih,mafla yek,mari tdo,malas nak
Diangan batinku
Untuk mencintai jiwa
Selain dirimu.
Hadirnya tlah luruhkan
Rinduku padamu
Kasihnya membuatku hanyut
Sudah lupakanlah
Yang telah menduakan
Ketulusan itu…
Kelam yang telah ku buang
Meruntuhkan perihmu
Dan seluruh rindumu…
Lemah pengharapanku kan kehadiranmu
Mengisi jiwa ini dengan kerinduan
Kau yang tak pernah bisa mengerti hatiku
Membiarkan jiwa ku meratapi sepi
Sudah lupakanlah
Yang telah menduakan
Ketulusan itu…
Kelam yang telah ku buang
Meruntuhkan perihmu
Dan seluruh rindumu
Kepergianmu telah……
Merundungkan duka padaku
Yang telah terobati dirinya
Dan mengganti dirimu dihati
Sudah lupakanlah
Yang telah menduakan
Ketulusan itu…
Kelam yang telah ku buang
Meruntuhkan perihmu
Dan seluruh rindumu
p/s:song by sixth sense..nice lyric i guess..suit for those yg sedey2.. takpela..remember,Allah tu
maha kaya..there's sum1,created just 4u out there.. be patient cuz HE luv kind a people yg bersabar..happy luving2..(sok school,ade lecture kat spital nie..aku dok buat bende ngarot2 plak..huih,mafla yek,mari tdo,malas nak
Khamis, 27 November 2008
today i wud like to give a present to those yg mnghargai blog aku yg lame lagi hampeh nie..
its not a very precious one..but at least its sumthg..rite?thanx la kerane menghargai n memberi perhatian secare sengaja atau tak..namun aku tetap mnghargainya.. "spasiba balshoi"-in russian means terime kasih banyak2.. to kak eena yg nak balek sok...hope dat she'll sampai m'sia dgn selamatnye..tapi kalu katebang tu..tersasar n terlanding kat ukraine nie lak..huu padan muke...terpaksela spend winter ngan aku kat sini..muakaka lol..kepada name yg tersenarai..silela tepek hadiah yg tak seberape nih..yg pentg hati..harge tak pentg kan..? lol.
today i wud like to give a present to those yg mnghargai blog aku yg lame lagi hampeh nie..
its not a very precious one..but at least its sumthg..rite?thanx la kerane menghargai n memberi perhatian secare sengaja atau tak..namun aku tetap mnghargainya.. "spasiba balshoi"-in russian means terime kasih banyak2.. to kak eena yg nak balek sok...hope dat she'll sampai m'sia dgn selamatnye..tapi kalu katebang tu..tersasar n terlanding kat ukraine nie lak..huu padan muke...terpaksela spend winter ngan aku kat sini..muakaka lol..kepada name yg tersenarai..silela tepek hadiah yg tak seberape nih..yg pentg hati..harge tak pentg kan..? lol.
1. kak eena (sian die nak balik m'sia sok,tapi sian kat aku sebenanye,kene
tunggu next year bru balik)
2. ixora (sori,kek lain
3. moon (to bdak kecik degil..jgn nakal2 eh!! lol)
4. Syima (makan byk2,pastu trus tdo..cara mnggemokan dri yg mudah)
5. zara (nak poskan junkies tu ke..? timekasih..dialu alukan! lol)
6. kak ween (cekgu,tahniah,kek gelembong sakti anda telah menang adiah)
7. ainna (maaf..tak perasan aritu..sbb tu lambat
8. sweet zircon (oo rindu geng2 skola..!!)
tunggu next year bru balik)
2. ixora (sori,kek lain
3. moon (to bdak kecik degil..jgn nakal2 eh!! lol)
4. Syima (makan byk2,pastu trus tdo..cara mnggemokan dri yg mudah)
5. zara (nak poskan junkies tu ke..? timekasih..dialu alukan! lol)
6. kak ween (cekgu,tahniah,kek gelembong sakti anda telah menang adiah)
7. ainna (maaf..tak perasan aritu..sbb tu lambat
8. sweet zircon (oo rindu geng2 skola..!!)
p/s:sape yg nak tepek sile la..jgn malu2...we are bloggers rite? n eventually we'll bcome frens
too rite..?feel free to do so...
Rabu, 26 November 2008
award..thanx xora...!
Award ini sebagai tanda saya sayang kamu semua..... :)

award lagi..!! award utk blog aku yg LAME nie..anyway..thanx xora atas penghargaan yg diberi..
Selasa, 25 November 2008
1st blogmail ever for me!
i got d very 1st blogmail besh!! timekaseh kak eena.. hoo kak..blogmail2 gak.. kangaroo kite jgn lupek ek..kekekekeh.. tengkiu..
i got d very 1st blogmail besh!! timekaseh kak eena.. hoo kak..blogmail2 gak.. kangaroo kite jgn lupek ek..kekekekeh.. tengkiu..

Isnin, 24 November 2008
timekasih LiEnda.!

hye dear i've got a chance to eat "MalaYsian JuNkies.."..n d creadit goes to Linda.She d one yg bg kitorg makan..for those yg tak kenal atas tu la gamba linda..(suke) sebab today she got parcel from m'sia..macam2.. timekasih linda.. really appreciate it! tu la mase kat m'sia aritu eksyen..tak nak makan..pandang pun tak..dah dekat oversea ni..terase ngidam2 nak makan..muargh..padan muke..!! kui kui kui..mai tgk ape yg linda kasi..
thanx again linda..i know its kinda precious thg..u shudn't giv to me..cuz sush linda pos,pastu senang2 kitorg makan lak..but i knw wuts in ur heart,n i respect it..thanx linda..
p/s:" jgn makan byk junkies,makn nasi..ibu penat masak Hin..kamu nie..":kate ibu kat aku
Sabtu, 22 November 2008
saturday nite fever!
Dinner plak malam nie memg heaven.. masak daging lembu..y m i sayin' like dat..? its bcuz kat sini memang susah nak dapat bekalan daging halal,ade pun mgkin 2 kali 1 bulan,itupun mahal cam gile..70 grvn=RM55..utk sekilo. tp harini memg paling murah.. 40 grvn.Apelagi mule la masak mengarut ngarut..

mate dah sleepy macam gile nie..tapi xle tdo..huish..tired.As usual saturday nite is d busiest nite,instead of studyin'.i managed to steal 6 hours of study to earn a litel money..(duit jajan) by preparing kfc chicken..Alhamdullillah,we sell 99 pieces or bout 33 plate..not expensive,just 16 griven per plate..approximately RM 10 m'sia...tak banyak kan tapi syukur sagt..laku gak ayam arini..
Dinner plak malam nie memg heaven.. masak daging lembu..y m i sayin' like dat..? its bcuz kat sini memang susah nak dapat bekalan daging halal,ade pun mgkin 2 kali 1 bulan,itupun mahal cam gile..70 grvn=RM55..utk sekilo. tp harini memg paling murah.. 40 grvn.Apelagi mule la masak mengarut ngarut..

Jumaat, 21 November 2008
tag lagi..!!!
“what if your ex said this to you”
1. Hi how are ya?
2. Hey! You wanna go to the mall?!
maaf..sibok kene hantar lembu pi medical checkup..
3.I LOVE U..
(argh..aku takle jawab nih....buntu2...hehe)
4.DO u want some cookies?
nope..but,do u wanna taste cow -dung?? kih kih kih..
5.Can you take me a picture?!?
wut picture do u cow..? muakaka...
6.Help me in my homework!
sorry babe..i sibok lagi..tapi lembu i tak sibuk..beliau bole tolong..
7.Here’s my gift to you…
(kureng tul..bgla specific ttg gift tu..hish...tak tau nak jawab..)
8.Let’s just be textmates
sorry..i just got 1.. my cow..(huu saki ati die..)
9.Do you want me to buy you an ipod?
takpe..timekaseh je..baik awk buat sedekah dgn duit tu..daat pahala..
10.Let’s sit together in the bus
u nie..lembu i nak letak mane..?u duduk la kat sebelah bangla tu..
11. Hi baby ..
eh mane u tau lembu i name baby..,,ex i pggil u tu
12.Your still cute!
agagagag...nak pengsan..huargh...mtk nyawe..!
13.I still LOVE you!
(huuu bepeluh...termenung...sorry aa takle jawab..)
14.Can I visit your house? mom memg nak jmpe u..ade bende die nak cakap..
15.Do you love me?
ya Allah...aku tak mampu jawab soalan nie..!
Follow this instruction:
1. named 5 candidates on your list.
2. ask them to complete this tag.
3. repost on their blog
4. write the title “what if your ex said this to you”
person next;
sorryla moon..cant giv 5..but i'll giv it to just 1..nie kalu kasi,kompem..kompem die buat die tak pueh hati... TENG TENG TENG.. DGN BANGGENYE...I GIV IT TO...
1. Hi how are ya?
2. Hey! You wanna go to the mall?!
maaf..sibok kene hantar lembu pi medical checkup..
3.I LOVE U..
(argh..aku takle jawab nih....buntu2...hehe)
4.DO u want some cookies?
nope..but,do u wanna taste cow -dung?? kih kih kih..
5.Can you take me a picture?!?
wut picture do u cow..? muakaka...
6.Help me in my homework!
sorry babe..i sibok lagi..tapi lembu i tak sibuk..beliau bole tolong..
7.Here’s my gift to you…
(kureng tul..bgla specific ttg gift tu..hish...tak tau nak jawab..)
8.Let’s just be textmates
sorry..i just got 1.. my cow..(huu saki ati die..)
9.Do you want me to buy you an ipod?
takpe..timekaseh je..baik awk buat sedekah dgn duit tu..daat pahala..
10.Let’s sit together in the bus
u nie..lembu i nak letak mane..?u duduk la kat sebelah bangla tu..
11. Hi baby ..
eh mane u tau lembu i name baby..,,ex i pggil u tu
12.Your still cute!
agagagag...nak pengsan..huargh...mtk nyawe..!
13.I still LOVE you!
(huuu bepeluh...termenung...sorry aa takle jawab..)
14.Can I visit your house? mom memg nak jmpe u..ade bende die nak cakap..
15.Do you love me?
ya Allah...aku tak mampu jawab soalan nie..!
Follow this instruction:
1. named 5 candidates on your list.
2. ask them to complete this tag.
3. repost on their blog
4. write the title “what if your ex said this to you”
person next;
sorryla moon..cant giv 5..but i'll giv it to just 1..nie kalu kasi,kompem..kompem die buat die tak pueh hati... TENG TENG TENG.. DGN BANGGENYE...I GIV IT TO...
p/s:lari....!!! huhu.. pi nyorok..
tag !!!!

tuggula tag dari saye..muakaka..
* Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself..
* DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture.
* Post that picture with NO editing.
* Post this instruction with your picture.
* Tag 10 people to do this.
1.Djambu (haa..cium tapak kaki aku balik..)
2.Ladyeena (kak..ini tande adek cayunk padamu..kakakakah..)
3.Moon (hameek..nak sangat kan..kih 3x)
4.kak wiween..(kak,gru besar ngan makcik kantin yg sruh kasi nie..keh 3x)
5.ixora (gamba masak2 esok..tapi harinie gamba tag ade..sile2..jgn malu2)
6.syima..(bro baik hati nie..xjd makn kene wat tag nie...)
7.sweet zircon (haa..bakar bakar skit..huhu..)
8.rusyda..( to giv ya..)
9.dr. effi..(nyeh2..ameek!)
10.baqish shahru..(maf2..tapi kene cukupkan korum nie la..)
p/s: haa masakla korg jawab tag tu,happy answering..muekiki
Khamis, 20 November 2008
aku zalimi..!!!
ya rabbi...bertuah tul org yg tag salihin..tmekasih bayk.(rase hampeh)....rase cam kene salib tau tak..(muakaka) .korg memg tul takde keje ek..? takpe..tggula esok..siap..aku cucuk seko2 nagn picagari nih..
Sok ye saye wat korg nye tag tu..arini sbuk..kene prep tuk topic sok..tak sempat la..I'Allah malam sok kite siapkan eh..
p/s:lari la...lari..aku carik korg,bayk picagari kat spital nih..memg puas hati aku cucuk korg!
agagag..(kak ween nye ketawe..)
Rabu, 19 November 2008
esok exam

hmm..2morow i will be facing the 1st control test in infectious disease cycle, all bout cholera, salmonella, typhoid etc.. kinda hard cuz lots of material shud be reviewed back.. But Alhamdullillah evrythg was already there and just need to recall it back.. suddenly twitched in my brain.. bout how many people wud still remember HIM when they was in a great shape,or in their kesenangan..
Its just becuz..sumtime, people just turn to HIM whenever they was in a sad, or in a deep s***..
so,me reminding myself bout how vital we should turn to HIM, cuz like i said before, Allah never move HIS sight even a second to take care of us.. for ex: air dat u breathed.. it feel like infinity rite? how many times u calculate,in evry single moment of ur life..still,afermath u cant beat HIM..HIS love is already upon us,..just a way or path dat we walk, wud bring us closer to HIM..
yeah..semangat2 for control tomorow..shud i use this? need.. believe urself rite..?
And dear readers,please,Dont forget to do HIS orders,n left behind the bad thgs...


Alhamdulillah.., for evrythg.. n to u too guys,bloggers dat i being friend with.. plus,anyone who i've just met,already met,or will meet,... made my life unbelievable meaningful
p/s:.. => study..up up n way..!
Selasa, 18 November 2008
to kakak eena..yg dsaygi..(rase cam nak makan die,huh geramnye..!)
ehem2...khas buat kak eena..yg bakal di potong2 wat soup..adinda dgn rase macam nak cucuk kakak dgn picagari, menjawab tag mu ini
Name one person who made you laughs last night
hmm..Tain 3t..lawak siot..macam nak pecah wah pinggang..
What were you doing at 0800?
study infectious disease..dgn rase nak makan kak eena..
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
mati akal..termelangu camne nak jawab 30 soalan tag nie..ha 1 lg..pikir nak mkan kak eena..wargh sdap!
What happened to you in 2006?
in my 2nd year of study..bedah mayat 1st! hmm.siku terseliuh, biru2..pastu kene chicken pox 1st
What was the last thing you said out loud?
"nak gigit kak eena.."(nada geram..hehe)
How many beverages did you have today?
18 belas gelas..geram nye pasal..
What color is your hairbrush?
semua warne ade kat situ..muahaha puas ati..
What was the last thing you paid for?
tambang g school..
Where were you last night?
kat room,atas tilam..kat hostel,tingkat 7,unit 707/3
What color is your front door?
btul la yg wat tag nie memg tak de keje..hish..putih..
Where do you keep your change?
kat dalam mangkuk tandas..kalu percaye amek aa..
What’s the weather like today?
bit sun shine..7 degree celcious
What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
vanilla+choc+bit crunhchy super kontik...
What excites you?
nice cute ,stranger to heart ache gurl...babies..colours.,eating time..going back to m'sia..
Do you want to cut your hair?
naah..dun want..nak bela panjang2 jd shikamaru..huu macho..
Are you over the age of 25?
i was 17,actually.. in which i was trapped in this matured body.. uek..!
Do you talk a lot?
nope.. i used signals.. muekeke...
Do you watch the O.C.?
orange county..?..hmm.. bosan ..tgk al kuliyyah ke, niyang rempit ke, tain 3t ke lg best..
Do you know anyone named Steven?
ooo.. steven ..tak kenal la.. tapi awk jgn lupe tanye die eh..?mgkin die kenal saye kot..
Are you a jealous person?
kinda...bole sampai nangish..
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.
arnold schwardzenegger..siap la awk..saye hantar die sruh kidnap awk..pastu potong awk wat sate!
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
kamere D60..? hehe
Who’s the first person on your received call list?
ibu...ala..missed her n aba..
What does the last text message you received say?
"papolninia schhoot!"-russian.. in malay.."sila topup"
Do you chew on your straw?
nope..i chew the cup.. kui3..
Do you have curly hair?
sraight cam pembaris..
What the last thing that you ate?
nope..1 cigarrette.."Dubliss"
Will you get married in the future?
i guess yes..when i meet a great gurl 1 Allah wud let me still live..
What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks? last??
blind date
Is there anyone you like right now?
yess..kak to eat her alive..muahaha!
When was the last time you did the dishes?
20 minutes ago..sardin botan from m'sia, campur kentang goreng..
Are you currently depressed?
SANGAT...rase nak campak je laptop nie kat lombong...
Did you cry today?sambut ngan
yes...nearly..terharu ngan org yg hantar tag yg "pendek nie"..
Why did you answer and post this?
cuz i'm a nice guy to kak eena.."peluru berpandu mu ku sambut ngan tangan terbuke.." -takot kalu tak jawab she wud kick me in the A**..!
sis..all of them have been i want my hadiah..penat iihhh. Sis memg tak aci..tag pnjng..yg wat kite mati cepat niy.. nanti..siap la..kidnap eena..potong2 wat tomyam..
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