Jumaat, 21 November 2008

tag !!!!

nie..pd cik kikiey.. tag awk saye dah jawab..gambar tu tak edit pon..!

tuggula tag dari saye..muakaka..

* Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself..
* DON'T change your cloth. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture.
* Post that picture with NO editing.
* Post this instruction with your picture.
* Tag 10 people to do this.

1.Djambu (haa..cium tapak kaki aku balik..)
2.Ladyeena (kak..ini tande adek cayunk padamu..kakakakah..)
3.Moon (hameek..nak sangat kan..kih 3x)
4.kak wiween..(kak,gru besar ngan makcik kantin yg sruh kasi nie..keh 3x)
5.ixora (gamba masak2 esok..tapi harinie gamba tag ade..sile2..jgn malu2)
6.syima..(bro baik hati nie..xjd makn awk..tp kene wat tag nie...)
7.sweet zircon (haa..bakar bakar skit..huhu..)
8.rusyda..(soryla..got to giv ya..)
9.dr. effi..(nyeh2..ameek!)
10.baqish shahru..(maf2..tapi kene cukupkan korum nie la..)

p/s: haa masakla korg jawab tag tu,happy answering..muekiki

4 ulasan:

IxoR@ berkata...

cuba gi sini : http://edgwaregreenpark.blogspot.com/2008/11/i-love-this-tag.html

:: Wiween :: berkata...

tamo buat!! sogan laa eden! :P

IxoR@ berkata...

Dah wat hanya kerana kamu....sila tgk.

Tenkiu :D

Tanpa Nama berkata...

bro jahat
bro jahat
bro jahat
bro jahat
*nangis guling2*