01.what is the most important thing in your life?
mom,pop,all my family..friends..moto kapcai honda 70(d one i used to ngurat awek dr form 1 sampai form 5..agagag..syg woo,habis pimp maa!)
02.what is the last thing you bought with your own money?
winter sonata necklace n d star for my ex gurl (mase mude2 lepas spm) d most precious n unforgetable thing..
03.where do you wish to get married?
hmm..in da space...floatin' around..wow..AWESOME!
04.how old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover?
be specific please..i got lots of people who love me..ahaks! dun wanna talka bout it..
05.are you in love?
uish..am sweatin' rite now..sorry...i dunno..
06.where was the last restaurant you had dinner at?
halal food court at survarnabumi airport...dat when i on my way back here..need to change flight there..
07.name the latest book you bought?
aint nothing..sweter ade la..ahaa.. buku tulis nak wat note..ehiks!
08.what is your full name?
mohd salihin bin. hj selamat..name abah gettin' popular mase raye..kih3x
09.do you prefer mother or father?
mom of course..she's cool when i talk about gurl..muakakaka...
10.name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time?the first time?
my grandpa's n grandma's..cuz..am so sad..never met any1 of them..except 1 je,atuk sebelah ibu..tu pun mase kecik...
11.christina or britney?
hmm..sorry..not in my list..i wud prefer ,Angelina Jolie..huuuhu..
12.do you do your own laundry?
yup..but now winter..takde air panas,cold water pun kadang2 jek..so..kedai laundry la jawapnye..
13.the most exciting place you want to go?
mecca..really wish to go there..tapi duit takde..
14.hugs or kisses?
both of them please.....!!! =P
15.point out 5 things about the person who tagged you
-indie's angel
-luv indies music
-kinda cute xD
-takde keje.. dats y she tagged me..
16.eight things i'm passionate about
-mom's dishes
-shooting pictures
-ice cream..
-ehem2....GURLZ...hehehee..cuz am a human who desire undevided attention from d opposite sex...rite? =P
-swimmin'..eventhough I CAN't sWim!!!.
17.eight books i have read recently
tropical disease
infectious disease
oxford med dictionary
kamus jururawat
let us b muslim
D60 nikon manual handbook
takde lagi..lame tak beli majalah..am savin' money nak beli ferrari..kui kui kui
18.eight songs i've been listening over and over again
sheryl crow n sting- always on ur side
Travis- closer
sheila on 7- pemuja,alasanku,
Nico touches d wall- broken youth,
Keane- spiralling
Hot hot heat- outta heart
sixth sense- kelam
coldplay- Viva la vida
19.eight things i've learnt this year
1-is it worth being a good guy to those who doin' bad to u..?hmm..takpela,Alhamdulillah..
2-i've made chocolate cake..ehea..jgn jeles..
3-nobody can live alone..
4-belaja sungguh2..jgn main psp bayk..nanti takle score.
5-aa..i've learn o start my own blog..
dats all i guess..
20.persons you tagg
enuf with me je kot...dun wanna make burden to other people..k?
Isnin, 22 Disember 2008
Catat Ulasan (Atom)
3 ulasan:
berjaya jugak anda jawab akhirnya~!
da ta perlu tag org lain..
hmm..da jadik baik nie..gediks..ahaks!
Catat Ulasan