Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009





nan te ne.....

ma..shika tana iyo...

shitonoko kokorowa doetemu howakashinai...


p/s:do luv people dat u thought so dear to u hmm..? dun waste a seconds.. =)

3 ulasan:

MOMMY CGG berkata...

SO DEAR tO you..

SOMETIMES..wE CANT even RECOgNiZeD SAPE YANg so DEaR pada kita:)


♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ berkata...

Well, that's what the best about heart matter. It always constantly stick to the one that u think.

Mohd Salihin berkata...

yeah d one dat r very dear to u...

sit..n try to relax..
u might see it..ok..?



sorry gurls am in pain..

gudluck ok..
may d best,be wif ya..