Assalamualaikum Fellas...
wish all of ya are on the top of ya condition...hmm..? huh,lame gak dah tak writing nie,feel kekok lak lmao.Hmm..talking bout saturday,am sure all of ya kinda excited, yela kan? saturday la nak kua ngan bf ke gf ke,family,frens,and sort of... its good actually.. cuz for those who get the chance cuti,got to spend time wif their beloved ones aite? n..not forgetting for those yg menjadi TUA jgak..ahaks! yela..i mean pd mereka yg menyambut burfday diorg today.. Hepi burfday! semoge bertambah iman n taqwa,get wut u want in this world ..hmm?
bout me on saturday...its been great.but not as faster as the other day..Alhamdulillah,Cuz i still gotta to see this day,live the life.kelas takde, dun have to go to hospital...hmm.dapt relax kat umah..Today,i've called mam, pap, sis n bro..i missed them so much!! recently,following d things dat happened, its a litel bit sad to tell,but.let us see or think bout it,..i mean by "how do u feel..." if..u lost sumone dat very dear to u... It's must've been hurt..rite..? guess.. dats wut i felt..infact, my family too..we've lost mak long sebelah mam,n paklong sebelah abah..nevertheless,it's Allah's plan,He luv our pak long n maklong more than we luv 'em.. all that we can do is let it go n pray the best for both of them..its been two weeks already,but,still...i dunno wut to say..i missed 'em both.
n nowadays,i've started to call mam n pap more often..cuz instead dat am missin' both of 'em too much, i wanna keep 'em company,n I'allah avoiding them to feel sad..on wut,at home sekarang ,there's only two of'em,cuz kakak already took the twins pasal dak kecit dua tu dah nak masuk diorg pun balik KL ikut mama diorg...mam nangis2., abah plak control..buat tak tau..n try to pujuk mam yg sedey sgt tu..hmmm..Alhamdulillah,after few days mam bcame ockay..n she told me,"nak wat camne,akak kau nak amek..biala.."
cud u imagine when u r old like dat sumday....its just two of ya,n anak2 sume dah jauh2..
wut wud u it sound like this..
"its just the two of us day,there's gonna be one of us,n it is unbearable prospect....n dats y we shud luv each other as hard as we can now..when we still have a chance..."
one way or another,people cant live alone..eventhough maybe u wud think dat, *a man live alone is the king of thoughts..but unfortunately he came to be small when there is a few comforts..rite?
if there's any bad thgs,or sumthg dat uneasy to "digest" happened to us,let us try to take it as one of te test from HIM,cuz He luv us,dats y HE did dat,..n if u still feel hard to take it,wut about u try to focus on small blessings..try to see n notice about it in ur life... It's not for me to tell ya..
but try,U'll see it..n I'Allah u'll appreciate n thankful to HIm...
well...gotta stop now..but b4 dat,love ur parents matter far or near u r to them,just give 'em a call sumtime,show sum luv,say nice thgs,in which will make them happy.. its not hard isnt it?..
take care guys..u have a nice weken aite?